Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Dream, or something like it...

In a lost time, in a lost world, Chaos happened. I was there. Under the influence of vodka, cigarettes, and free food, I thought that spending two years at this chaotic place would be nice. Delusions of grandeur, though not misplaced, gave my ascetic mind a want, something to look forward to...

But then, life happened and everything was forgotten. Suddenly, after a year and a half, I look back and wonder whether it was due to my subconscious want that I am now standing on the doorstep of these so-called hallowed portals.

Anyway, it feels wonderful right now. Being a part of the best surely does give me a high. And I can already feel the manager inside me, as I notice the blatant self-publicity in my blog link.



Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... Congrats for making it to the IIMA! :)
I guess u ended up on my blog from Ritwik's...

travel30 said...

nice job

Anonymous said...

"under the influence of vodka, cigarettes and........i already feel the manager inside me"

so how much of vodka and how many packets of cigarettes r we talking about???????......

Anonymous said...

jusss kidding...i know u have got a great sense of humour..

(seriously)...U R AN ARTIST..

Odds of Mine said...

Hi IIM Guys!!!