Monday, May 21, 2007

Hopping onto WIMWI !

I have jumped onto many a roller-coaster. Kept my eyes open for some and closed for the rest, felt the world falling apart, and then stepped off and disappeared into the mystic mist.

As I hop onto the WIMWI roller-coaster, I am not quite sure what to expect. Hindsight's taught me not to buy too much on expectations but let life take its course, but as with so many of life's lessons, you just don't learn. You keep making them again and again.

Well, before I step on this time, I am going to come in with an open mind. My expectations? Fin/consult/marketing/operations?? No, I don't know and I am going to pray that I would get some time off to stare out at the stars and let them answer these and more. For today, I can only hope that I get a chance to choose a profession where I can put in that extra drop of sweat with a smile!

Great Expectations, Charles Dickens would be impressed!


Hrisheekesh Sabnis said...

That is exactly why the LKP exists at WIMWI.. For lying down at night and staring at the stars... :-)

Me, myself and Sumant. said...

Thats why I chose WIMWI over others!!

Hrisheekesh Sabnis said...

well for me i just chose LKP over LKI :P